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A picture tells a thousands words...


Nowhere is this adage truer than in the world of media. The right image can transform a story and in this age of iPad editions, blogs and news websites, pictures are more important than ever before.


I know words and I know pictures. From the beginning of my media career, my word-smithery has worked in tandem with my creative visual skills. Whether as an art director, stylist, editor or travel photographer, I've generated top line visual ideas and concepts, mapped out storyboards and then applied all of this - both in the studio and out in the field - to producing a finished product that's unique, engaging and on-brand. 


In both the print and digital realms, I have over a decade's worth of experience creating fashion and still-life shoots, overseeing the entire process from concept to post-production and layout. My regular responsibilities included model casting, briefing hair and make-up teams, sourcing appropriate props, fashion styling and generally supervising the shoot, unifying the team to ensure that the end product mimicked my original vision. 


After years directing photographers, I began to go it alone behind the lens, honing my skills as a travel photographer. What started out as a hobby has turned into a complementary skill that - in the age of the multi-tasking media professional - goes hand-in-hand with my various travel writing commissions.


Now, wherever I go, my camera always follows.

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